Welcome to International Relations
The International Relations Office at
the Institute provides a comprehensive range of services and support to the
international community of students, stakeholders and invested parties from
various university departments and offices. The International Office also
maintains and sustains Memorandums of Understanding with various international
universities and industries, which has contributed to the development of the
Institute over the decades.
- International student and faculty exchange programmes
- Research program exchanges
- Joint degree programmes
- ‘Study Abroad’ programmes
- MoUs and Agreements
- Facilitates international collaborations
- IoE Research Initiatives
- International conferences and symposiums
Educavo Mission
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Educavo Administration
At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui
blan ditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti quos dolores et quas
molestias excepturi sint occaecati cupiditate non provident, sim ilique sunt in
About IIT Jammu
Welcome to IIT Jammu
IIT Jammu is recognized as an “Institute of National
Importance” under the “Institutes of Technology Act” of 1961. IIT is an autonomous
public higher education Institute funded by the Government of India, and functions
under the governance of the IIT Council.
The Institute wants to take steps together with the Global community
Together we walk hand in hand Focus on Society & Sand Once again will make Earth
Sustainable Land With you through our Innovative Expertise Experience Hand
We are Diversity at IIT Jammu We believe in diversity Lets take a step together