
  • 14th Nov midnight the submission window to Traffic Hackathon will close. Hence please ensure that your submissions are made in time.
  • Monday, 14th of November is the last date for submitting your entries to the traffic hackathon with Mega Prizes, a chance to contribute to making our world better and possibilities of incubating your enterprise. As the teams are getting prepared to finalise your entries, an online interactive session is planned on fifth of November at 4 pm with IG Traffic Jammu and Kashmir, Team from Traffic Police, and experts from IIT Jammu and NIT Srinagar. The Zoom link for the meeting is given below. Please do join to have the updates and clarifying queries, if any, in an interactive mode. The Zoom Link is as below
    Join Zoom Meeting https://iitjammu-ac-in.zoom.us/j/94519956775?pwd=T0lQOWNDeTJnMlpnYndHbWhDMVR2UT09
    Meeting ID: 945 1995 6775
    Passcode: 043394
  • Owing to request from some of the participating teams the final date for registration as well as submission for the traffic hackathon has been extended till midnight of 14th November 2022. Teams can submit solutions to more than 1 problem statement raised. Looking for the right ideas to build our collective future. Hurry up and put the best foot forward.
  • Extended Reality (XR) Technologies have huge possibilities in Traffic and Transit management. Foundation for Innovation and Technology Transfer (FITT) IIT Delhi is implementing the XR Startup Program in collaboration with Meta and MeitY Startup Hub (MSH), Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology, Government of India. This program offers huge opportunities for XR based solution developers and as many as 40 teams (in a wide range of application areas) from all over the country can get grants upto Rs 20 Lakhs each to develop their prototypes . An information event in this regard is being held at IIT Jammu on 6th of October at 11A.M. to 1 P.M. The registered teams wanting to know more are welcome to attend the information event. There will be an opportunity to join the event in an on line mode as well. Those interested can register by 17:30 on 5th October 2022: https://forms.gle/T52S5mS9HcGHtW6e8
  • All participant teams must stick to the PPT format and submit the link of the PPT (If necessary they can add 1-2 additional slides, in a particular point in the same format,  if specific detail seems important.
  • Additional information as may be necessary to build detail may be provided in a pdf that can also be uploaded while submitting the idea. The idea/s submitted should clearly mention the problem statement (from amongst the 7 mentioned) and proposed solution without any ambiguity.

Free Map API credits

MapMyIndia has offered free Map API credits to the hackathon participants to develop the prototype and can provide the necessary support to integrate these APIs. Participants who want to use MapMyIndia applications into their solutions can contact Mr kalaivanan at MapMyIndia Tel. 7060334321


  • Submit your idea online at Registration Link
  • Teams must register on time for the event and adhere to deadlines for submission of the tasks at hand.
  • Incomplete submission will be disqualified.
  • Submissions can be submitted in either Hindi or English.
  • Ideas would be submitted after filling the google form and uploading PPT and a pdf in case additional information is required to be submitted.
  • Shortlisted entries would be selected for final presentation (offline as well online mode)


  • The hackathon is open to Indian nationals only.
  • Teams led by current students and faculty of colleges and institutes in Jammu and Kashmir only. The teams may comprise however of members other than current students.
  • Teams must consist of a maximum of five participants.
  • Team leaders must upload their college enrolment information and identify details.
  • Teams with members from different institutes are permitted, as long as they are led by current students and faculty of colleges and institutes in Jammu and Kashmir.
  • Removal/ voluntary withdrawal of members from any team is not encouraged. No modification will be entertained at any point after original submission


The submission will be evaluated by experts on different parameters, including but not limited to the novelty of the idea/innovation, ease/ cost of implementation (Frugality), stage of development, scalability, potential impact, technical & financial feasibility, Time taken to achieve Break even), roll out plan/ speed of deployment, the team strength, and the overall plan.